From Marcia in Philadelphia USA
Sent: 16 April 2022
Hello Mr. Jacobs
I need to tell you that your Flood Trap product has already helped us a few times from floods in our basement. I wish you can open a company based in the United States. Until then, I will continue with ordering from the UK as much as I can. Thank you. Kind regards.
Following the letter referenced on the landing page, received Sept. 2017 I wrote back asking why Mrs Parrish was so keen to buy our product and if she would kindly let me share her experiences with others.
By way of a Thank you to Mrs Parrish for her seaching for us when she could no longer buy from one of our resellers and in appreciation of her permission to publish her story, copied below, we sent Mrs Parrish a Flood Trap free of charge.
November 2014 - from a telephone call from a reputable gentleman who tried Floodlock door protection strips on four council properties in North Glasgow. He asked to remain anonymous and said,
“...your Floodlock Door Protection Strips are an Outstanding Success… they worked very well, far better than all previously tried solutions!”. A wonderful very affordable and effective product at last, very welcome, they should help masses especially people on low income".