This video gives a clear view of what climate change means to parts of the USA today.
All the extreme weather we've had lately, isn't anything new Right? by Katharine Hayhoe
A new system that adds 17% to the carbon green house gas emmissions we generate has been discovered and described in this video by the Netherlands Institue of Ecology and Yale University.
Of course we individually and globally need to reduce our carbon emissions. For those of us who will face more frequent and deeper floods that will result from a warmer climate as we have already noticed, Flood Traps are a must have keep in the draw product to help us keep the contaminated and damaging water out doors. Despite some public figures claiming that global worming is a hoax there is a huge body of scientific evidence that proves the opposite and that we are triggering cycles that will increase the rate of climate change and global warming that is resulting in more extreme weather events like floods.
This next video published 29 Nov 2016 provides new insight into a new system that will add 17% to the carbon emissions we add to the planet as it warms.
Lord Krebs key findings of UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017
Interesting and informative insight into why flood defences fail (designed to a price based on historical risk defined and decided by government) with comments on what can and should be done about it via this link to "the conversation" following the Cumbrian flood defence failure when struck by Storm Desmond 8 Dec 2015
Mary Dhonau Queen Of Floods video presentation on real life flood experiences and the vital need for us all to invest in flood preparation and resilience to reduce recovery time post flood.
Steve Jacobs director at Allups Ltd presenting to Copenhagen City Council on 2 October 2015 in reply to their invitation having been chosen out of thousands who reponded to their appeal for innovative flood protection ideas. news morning-mix Climate-change-Get-Ready-or-Get-Sued 19 May 2015 - a trend to watch out for with the public ready to sue utility companies and local authorites / councils for failure to protect them against flood?.
The National Flood Forum's CEO says "Dealing with flooding requires total change for local and national government" 30 April 2015
Glasgow 2014 bullet points from case study report from Operations Director at the Scottish Flood Forum - Paul Hendy.
We were very proud and pleased with the attention our Floodlock Flood Traps received at London's first ever
Flood Defence and Prevention Expo on 4th & 5th December 2014.
Our proven innovation was clearly unique and very well appreciated by retailers, utility companies and councils alike.
There was even interest from some visitors from abroad.
We hope they will soon be available for use and sale much more widely as a result.
Utilities Week Pipe Up by Steven Jacobs Director at Allups Ltd 28 Feb 2014 - why utility companies need to help people prepare for flood.
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